Hydrogen Systems with Polymer Electrolyte
phone: (+359 2) 872 25 43; (+359) 879 110 720; e-mail: eslavcheva@iees.bas.bg
The HSPE Department carries out fundamental and applied research in the field of electrochemical generation of hydrogen and energy in electrolytic cells, fuel cells and reversible bifunctional fuel cells with polymer electrolyte. The research activities include development of novel electrode materials (catalysts, catalyst supports) and components (gas diffusion electrodes, membrane electrode assemblies), their characterization, integration in model systems, and evaluation of cell performance under conditions close to the real working regimes. Multi-metallic, mixed metal-metal oxide and composite catalysts deposited on active catalytic supports are studied. New materials with low or zero platinum content, enhanced structural and chemical stability are synthesized and investigated. Laboratory scale prototypes of hydrogen energy systems and autonomous testing devices are designed and tested. The HSPE research team offers expertise in other fields of the electrochemical material science, too, such as corrosion and corrosion inhibitors, electrochemical sensors, functional electrical stimulation, glasses and glass-ceramic materials, sonochemistry.
- Evelina Slavcheva, Corr. member, DSc, (head)
- Iva Betova, Proffesor, PhD
- Ilia Valov, Proffesor, Phd
- Elefteria Lefterova, Proffesor., PhD
- Ivan Radev, Assoc. Prof., PhD
- Galin Borisov, Assoc. Prof., PhD
- Ivo Bardarov, Res. Assoc., PhD
- Katerina Maksimova-Dimitrova, Res. Assoc., PhD
- Elitsa Petkucheva, Res. Assoc., PhD
- Iveta Boshnakova, Res. Assist., PhD
- Atanas Garbev, Res. Assist., PhD
- Denis Paskalev, Тechnologist
- Nevelin Borisov, PhD Student
- "Modeling and investigation of degradation processes in a hybrid energy system “Photovoltaic panel - hydrogen generator” (FOVOD)" - Financing of fundamental scientific research on public challenges , NSF, КP-06-ОPR4/1, (2018-2021)
- "Innovative System for Production and Compression of Hydrogen", in partnership with Green Innovations, Bulgaria. National Innovation Fund - Ministry of Economy, (2018-2020)
- "Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical application of hybrid FeChx-TiO2-MoSx cathodes", EBR b/w Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Academician M. Nagyev, Azerbaijan and BAS (2018-2020)
- "Conversion of energy into hydrogen oxygen elements with polymeric electrolyte - new materials, membrane electrode packs and electrochemical cells", BAS (2014-2019)
- "Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology", /NET-Tools/, FP8-Horizon 2020-EU (2017-2020)
- "Development of innovative oxygen System for integration into a greenhouse plant for fruit and vegetable production", VIMAD EOOD (2017-2018)
- "Highly effective corrosion resistant metal-ceramic electrodes for electrolysis cells / hydrogen generators with a polymer proton conductive membrane", Program for career development of young scientists, BAS DFNP-17-149 (2017-2018)
- "Composite catalysts with host structure Montmorillonite for hydrogen production-synthesis, properties and quantum chemical models", Program for career development of young scientists, BAS DFNP-17-150 (2017-2018)
- "Mixed metal chalcogenides deposited on Ni-Foam-effective catalysts for alcaline water electrolysis (Application of original technics for synthesis and investigation)", Program for career development of young scientists, BAS DFNP-17-147 (2017-2018)
- "Composite catalysts for the electrochemical production of hydrogen with a host structure montmorillonite", Program for career development of young scientists, BAS-МES DFNP-41 (2016-2017)
- "Integrated system for production of clean energy from waste biomass", MES/NSF DFNI Е02/2 (2014-2017)
- "Multicomponent catalysts, containing non-precious metal for hydrogen generation in electrolytic cell with a polymer membrane", MES/NSF DFNI Е02/9 (2014-2017)
- "Bi-functional electrocatalysts for PEM hydrogen energy conversion in unitised regenerative fuel cell", DNTK 01-005 (2012-2015)
- К. Хаджииванов, Е. Славчева, Д. Владикова, Д. Панайотов: Българската научна общност в борбата с климатичните промени. Наука, (2019) №2, 29-32, http://spisanie-nauka.bg/arhiv/2-2019.pdf (in Bulgarian)
- Fang Song, Michael M. Busch, Benedikt Lassalle-Kaiser, Chia-Shuo Hsu, Elitsa Petkucheva, Michaël Bensimon, Hao Ming Chen, Clemence Corminboeuf, and Xile Hu, „An Unconventional Iron Nickel Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction, ACS, Cent. Sci.,5 (3) 2019, 558, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscentsci.9b00053
- Betova, I., Bojinov, М., Karastoyanov, V.. Deposition of molybdenum oxide in nanoporous titanium oxide template – modified with – composition, electrical and optical properties. Applied Surface Science, 448, 1, Elsevier B.V., 2018, ISSN:0169-4332, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.04.074, 331-340.
- Boshnakova, I., Lefterova, E., Slavcheva, E.. Investigation of Montmorillonite as carrier for OER. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43, 35, 2018, ISSN:0360-3199, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.01.012, 16897-16904.
- Kostadinova, O., Kochnitcharova, D., Lefterova, E., Shipochka, M., Angelov, P., Petkova, T.. Network Modification of Phosphate Materials by Transition Metals Doping. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 50, Special Issue A, 2018, ISSN:0324-1130, 50-54.
- Mladenova B. B., Milusheva Y. D., Karsheva M. I., Hinkov I. D., Stankulov T. E., Borisov G. R., Boukoureshtlieva R. I.. Nano-sized Ag particles as catalyst in gas-diffusion electrodes for ORR. Bulgarian Chemical Communication, 50, Journal of the Chemicals Institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and of the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria, 2018, ISSN:0324-1130, 114-118.
- Petkucheva, E., Borisov, G., Lefterova, E., Heiss, J., Schnakenberg, U., Slavcheva, E.. Gold-supported magnetron sputtered Ir thin films as OER catalysts for cost-efficient water electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43, 35, 2018, ISSN:0360-3199, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.01.188, 16905-16912.
- Bredol, M., Szydło, A., Radev, I., Philippi, W., Bartholomäus, R., Peinecke, V., Heinzel, A.. How the colloid chemistry of precursor electrocatalyst dispersions is related to the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance. Journal of Power Sources, 402, Elsevier B.V, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.09.005, 15-23.
- Paunović, P., Popovski ,O., Načevski, G., Lefterova, E., Grozdanov, A., Dimitrov, A. T.. Electrocatalysts with reduced noble metals aimed for hydrogen/oxygen evolution supported on Magneli phases. Part I: Physical characterization. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 50, Special Issue A, 2018, ISSN:0324-1130, 82-88.
- Penchev, H., Borisov, G., Petkucheva, E., Ublekov, F., Sinigersky, V., Radev, I., Slavcheva, E.. Highly KOH Doped para-Polybenzimidazole Anion Exchange Membrane and its Performance in Pt/TinO2n-1 Catalyzed Water Electrolysis Cell. Matterials Letters, 221, Elsevier, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2018.03.094, 128-130.
- Podleschny, P., Rost, U., Muntean, R., Marginean, G., Heinzel, A., Peinecke, V., Radev, I., Muhler, M., Brodmann, M.. Investigation of Carbon Nanofiber‐supported Electrocatalysts with Ultra‐low Platinum Loading for the Use in PEM Fuel Cells. Fuel Cells, 18, 5, Wiley-VCH, 2018, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/fuce.201700220, 586-593.
- G. Borisov, S. Avramov, E. Petkucheva, E. Lefterova, E. Slavcheva, W. Lehnert, Effect of sintering temperature on performance and durability of HT-PEFC cathodes, Bulgarian Chemical Communications 49, Special Issue C, 2017, 179-185.
- I. Boshnakova , E. Lefterova, E. Slavcheva, Montmorillonite as a catalytic support in water electrolysis, Bulgarian Chemical Communications 49, Special Issue C (2017) 241 – 246.
- Y. Hubenova, E. Slavcheva, M. Mitov, The glyoxylate pathway contributes to enhanced extracellular electron transfer in yeast-based biofuel cell, Bioelectrochemistry 116 (2017) 10–16.
- E.J.Oh, R Hempelmann, V Nica, I Radev, H Natter, New catalyst supports prepared by surface modification of graphene-and carbon nanotube structures with nitrogen containing carbon coatings, Journal of Power Sources 341, 240-249 (2017).
- D. Goranova, E. Lefterova, R. Rashkov, Electrocatalytic activity of Ni-Mo-Cu and Ni-Co-Cu alloys for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42, 28777-28785 (2017).
- A Egetenmeyer, I Radev, D Durneata, M Baumgärtner, V Peinecke, H Natter, R HempelmannPulse Electrodeposited cathode catalyst layers for PEM fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (19), 13649-13660 (2017).
- E.J. Oh, R Hempelmann, V Nica, I Radev, H Natter, Coating procedure for chemical and morphological functionalization of multilayer-graphene foams, Carbon 121, 170-180 (2017).
- Ch. Girginov, S. Veleva, S. Kozhuharov, A. Stoyanova, E. Lefterova, M. Mladenov, R. Raicheff, A comparative study on application of biogenic hematite and magnetite as electrode materials in hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 52, 1314-7978 (2017).
- U. Rost, M. Brodmann, B. Zekorn, V. Peinecke, Ivan Radev, P Podleschny, PEM fuel cell electrode preparation using oxygen plasma treated graphene related material serving as catalyst support for platinum nanoparticles, Materials Today: Proceedings 4, S249–S252 (2017).
- Yolina Hubenova, Eleonora Hubenova, Evelina Slavcheva, Mario Mitov, The glyoxylate pathway contributes to enhanced extracellular electron transfer in yeast-based biofuel cell, Bioelectrochemistry 116 (2017) 10–16.
- G. Borisov, S. Avramov, E. Petkucheva, E. Lefterova, E. Slavcheva, W. Lehnert, Effect of sintering temperature on performance and durability of HT-PEFC cathodes, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 49 Special Issue C (2017) 179 – 185.
- I. Boshnakova , E. Lefterova, E. Slavcheva, Montmorillonite as a catalytic support in water electrolysis, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 49 Special Issue C (2017) 241 – 246.
- Ch. Girginov, S. Veleva, S. Kozhuharov, A. Stoyanova, E. Lefterova, M. Mladenov, R. Raicheff, A comparative study of biogenic hematite and magnetite forapplication as electrode materiales in hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 52:3 (2017) 557-563.
- Stoyanova, A., Islam, M., Borisov, G., Bredow, T., Lefterova, E., Slavcheva, E., Effect of Partial Replacement of Pt-Based Catalysts with Fe- and Co-for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Pem Water Electrolysis: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study. Journal of Progressive Research in Chemistry, 3, 3, 2016, 158-165.
- Radev, D., Avramova, I., Kovacheva, D., Gautam, D., Radev, I., Synthesis of Boron Carbide by Reactive‐Pulsed Electric Current Sintering in the Presence of Tungsten Boride. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 13, 6, The American Ceramic Society, 2016, 997-1007.
- Petkucheva, E., Lefterova, E., Heiss, J., Schnakenberg, U., Slavcheva, E., Influence of the gold sub-layer on the catalytic properties of magnetron sputtered Pt and Ir thin films. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 48, B, 2016, 38-43.
- Maksimova - Dimitrova, K, Lefterova, E, Atanasova - Vladimirova, S, Slavcheva, E., Influence of metal loading on morphology and performance of oxide supported cobalt electrocatalysts. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 48, B, 2016, 85-90.
- Lazar, J., Schnelting, C., Slavcheva, E., Schnakenberg, U., Hampering of the Stability of Gold Electrodes by Ferri-/Ferrocyanide Redox Couple Electrolytes during Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 88, 1, American Chemical Society, 2016, 682-687.
- Koleva, O., Kochnitcharova, D., Mladenova, E., Lefterova, E., Petkova, T., Vladikova, D., Structure-conductivity correlation in (TiO2)5(V2O5)70(P2O5)25 glass for low-temperature SOFCs. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 48, Special Issue B, BULGARIAN ACAD SCIENCE, 2016, 110-114.
- Bachvarov, V, Lefterova, E, Rashkov, R., Electrodeposited NiFeCo and NiFeCoP alloy cathodes for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 10, Elsevier, 2016, 12762-12771.
- Avramov, S., Lefterova, E., Penchev, H., Sinigersky, V., Slavcheva, E., Comparative study on the proton conductivity of perfluorosulfonic and polybenzimidazole based polymer electrolyte membranes. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 48, B, 2016, 43-50.
- Lefterova E., Stoyanova A., Kolev H., Tyuliev G., Paneva D., Borisov G.R., Dragieva I., Efect Of D.C. Magnetic Field on Some Physical and Catalytic Properties of Fe- and Fe/Pt- Nanoparticles Synthesized by BH Method, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 47 (4) (2015) pp. 1014 – 1021.
- E. Petkucheva, E. Lefterova, J. Heiss, U. Schnakenberg, E. Slavcheva, Magnetron sputtered multilayered (Ti-Au-Pt) catalysts for hydrogen energy systems, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (2015) 15 , ISSN: 1313-8995.
- Borisov G., Stoyanova A. Lefterova E., Vasilev S., Slavcheva E., Ebonex-supported PtM anode catalysts for PEM water electrolysis. Journal of Progressive Research in Chemistry, 3 (2015), pp. 97-108.
- Slavcheva E., G. Borisov, E. Lefterova, E. Petkucheva, I. Boshnakova, Ebonex supported iridium as anode catalyst for PEM water electrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 11356-11361
- Nicheva D., Stankulov T., Blyskova-Koshnicharova D., Lefterova E., Koleva O., Momchilov A., Petkova T., Synthesis and characterization of novel oxides as active material in lithium ion batteries, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – B: Physics and Biophysics, Eds: Plamen Petkov, Dumitru Tsiulyanu, Wilhelm Kulisch, Cyril Popov, Springer Netherlands, (2015), pp. 511-517.
- Slavcheva E., Ganske G., Schnakenberg U., Sputtered Pd as hydrogen storage for a chip integrated micro energy system, The Scientific World Journal (2014), Article ID 146126, 7 pages.
- Slavcheva E., Appeal to Hydrogen Energy Centers in Balkan and Danube Region Countries, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 1192-1193.
- Staneva M., Budurova D., Ublekov F., Radev I., Penchev H. and Sinigersky V., Improving the Mechanical Properties and Preserving the Proton Conductivity of p-PBI Membranes by Varying the Phosphoric Acid Doping Level, Journal of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Research 1 (1) (2014), 15-23.
- Radev I., Lefterova E., Tsotridis G., Influence of failure modes on PEFC stack and single cell performance and durability, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) pp.7133–7139.
- Radev I., Topalov G., Ganske G., Lefterova E., Tsotridis G., Schnakenberg U., Slavcheva E., Catalytic activity of co-sputtered PtIr thin films toward oxygen reduction, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 45 (179-185) 2013.
- Borisov G., Stoyanova A., Lefterova E., Slavcheva Е., A novel non-carbon gas diffusion layer for PEM water electrolysis anodes, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 45 (186-190) 2013.
- Stoyanova A., Borisov G., Lefterova E., Slavcheva Е., MEA with carbon free Pt-Fe catalysts and gas diffusion layers for application in PEM water electrolysis, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 45 (191-195) 2013.
- Blaskova-Kochnitcharova D. V., Petkova T., Fachikov L., Lefterova E., Kanazirski I., Angelov P., Vassilev S., Investigations Of Glass-Crystalline TiO2-V2O5-P2O5 Samples, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 45(A) (2013) 159-162.
- Sinigersky V., Budurova D., Penchev H., Ublekov F., Radev I., Polybenzimidazole-graft-polyvinylphosphonic acid - Proton conducting fuel cell membranes Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 129 (3) , (2013) pp. 1223-1231.
- Borisov G., Lefterova E., Stoyanova A., Slavcheva E., Angelov P., Vassilev S., Optimization the synthesis conditions using sol-gel method of catalysts materials for PEM water splitting, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 48 (2013) 162-167.
- Radev I., Topalov G., Lefterova E., Ganske G., Schnakenberg U., Tsotridis G., Slavcheva E., Optimization of platinum/iridium ratio in thin sputtered films for PEMFC cathodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 7730-7735.
- Stoyanova A., Borisov G., Lefterova E., Slavcheva E., Oxygen evolution on Ebonex-supported Pt-based binary compounds in PEM water electrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 16515-16521.
- Topalov G., Ganske G., Lefterova E., Schnakenberg U., Slavcheva E., Preparation and properties of thin Pt-Ir films deposited by dc magnetron co-sputtering, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 15437-15445.
- Stoyanova A., Slavcheva E., Effect of the molecular structure of some quinones on their corrosion inhibiting action, Materials and Corrosion 62 (2011) 872-877.
- Paunivic P., Gogovska D., Popovski O., Stoyanova A., Slavcheva E., Lefterova E., Iliev P., Dimitrov A., Hadzi Jordanov S., Preparation and characterisation of Co-Ru/TiO2/MWCNTs electrocatalysts in PEM hydrogen electrolyser, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 9405-9414.
- Paunovic P., Popovski O., Gogovska D., Lefterova E., Slavcheva E., Dimitrov A., Electrocatalytic activityof hypo-hyper-d-electrocatalysts (Me/TiO2/MWCNTs) based on Co-Ru in alkaline hydrogen electrolyser, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 39 (2011) 55-65.
- Slavcheva E., Magnetron sputtered iridium oxide as anode catalyst for PEM hydrogen generation, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 39 (2011) 45-54.
- Lefterova E., Stoyanova A., Borisov G., Slavcheva E., Physical characterization of Pt-M binary electrocatalysts for water splitting, Bulgarian Chemical Communications 43 (2011) 138-142.
- Paunović P., Gogovska D., Popovski O., Radev I., Lefterova E., Slavcheva E., Dimitrov A., Hadži Jordanov S., Non-Platinum electrode materials for hydrogen evolution: effect of catalyst support and metallic phase, Bulgarian Chemical Communications 43 (2011) 74-80.
- Ganske G., Slavcheva E., van Ooyen A., Mokwa W., Schnakenberg U., Sputtered platinum-iridium layers as electrode material for functional electrostimulation, Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 3965-3970.
- Kostadinova, D., Topalov, G., Stoyanova, A., Lefterova, E., Dragieva, I., Investigations of mixed oxids Mg/Ni/Al(O) from layered double hydroxides as catalyst support for proton exchange membranewater electrolysis, Bulgarian Chemical Communications 43 (1) (2011), pp. 164-168.