Departments and Service Laboratories at IEES

Hydrogen Systems with Polymer Electrolyte
The Hydrogen Systems with Polymer Electrolyte Department carries out fundamental and applied research in the field of electrochemical generation of hydrogen and energy in electrolytic cells, fuel cells and reversible bifunctional fuel cells with polymer electrolyte.[...]

Electrocatalysis and Electrocrystallization
Research in the Department of Electrocatalysis and Electrocrystallizaton is focused on studying the influence of electrode surface structure on the formation of the electric double layer and on the processes of adsorption and electrocatalysis.[...]

Electrochemical Methods
The research focus of the Department is on the development of conventional and advanced electrochemical methods such as: impedance, dielectric and coulometric spectroscopies, non-stationary and differential analysis, spectral transforms and image diagnostics.[...]

Electrochemistry of Lithium Batteries
The research team of the Department has a long experience in the field of classic aqueous and new lithium electrochemical systems.[...]

Electrochemistry of Lead-Acid Batteries
The research activities of the LABD are focused on the development of new technological processes and improvement of existing technologies for manufacture of various types of lead-acid batteries.[...]

Nanoscaled Materials
The research activity of the Nanoscaled Materials Department is focused on the development of new nanoscaled electrode materials with tailored properties for hybrid supercapacitor systems.[...]

Solid State Electrolytes
The research focus of the Department of Solid State Electrolytes is on the development of new prospectie materials for electrochemical application.[...]

Materials Science Laboratory
The Department performs various types of analysis, including: X-ray phase and structural analysis of solid phase materials; characterization of crystal/particle size and morphology by electron microscopy techniques.[...]

The Department is engaged in the design, development, assembly, implementation and maintenance of unique, specialized and non-standard machinery, installations and equipment, as well as in their mechanization, automation and computerization. [...]