Lead-Acid Batteries - LABAT'17
10th International Conference
on Lead-Acid Batteries - LABAT'17
Sofia Electrochemical Days 2017
May 10-13, 2017, Sofia, BULGARIA
Dedicated of the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
5th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
5th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
South East Europe, 2015
Advances and Innovations in SOFCs 2
Advances and Innovations in SOFCs 2:
From Materials to Systems, 2011
Portable and Emergency Energy
Sources - From Materials to Systems, 2005
Advanced Techniques for Energy
Advanced Techniques for Energy Sources Investigation and Testing, 2004
Lead-acid battery science and technology
5th International Conference on Lead-Acid Batteries - LABAT 2002